
What to do about duplicate script summaries?

jaller94 opened this issue · 1 comments

Let's say this is the original script because it has the most uses:

  1. "Send an Email" seems to be a duplicate:
  • Maybe add a merge feature and redirect this to the better script summary.
  1. "Send Yourself and Email" is also a very similar script summary and the accepted script didn't even implement the "Yourself" part:
  • Unmark script 76 as the solution to the script summary.
  • Maybe add a merge feature and redirect this to the better script summary.
  1. Here is the same script once more, but for the mysterious app noapp.
  • Maybe remove the app "noapp", if this is not actually an app. If it is, down vote the submitted script.

Bonus: Sending an email was actually the very first script summary of the Windmill Hub. But that's in the smtp app and never got responded to.
Maybe there shouldn't be an app "email" but one per protocol like "smtp", "imap", "pop3". I think it should be decided by the owners of Windmill Hub if "email" or per-protocol apps are preferred.

I think it's fine to delete duplicate summaries for the better one. We can send an email to the author directly once we remove a summary for being a duplicate. One possibility that might solve a lot of the "apps" issues is to allow them to belong to multiple apps, like flows. In that sense they become more tags than apps.
Another possibility is to allow them to have tags in addition to their main app.

Nonetheless, I think the issues you have spotted are more about us being inconsistent and a lot of the value add of the hub is to be extremely curated and consistent. You can easily predict in which app a summary would belong and look for it in the app.

In most cases I think a good rule of thumbs for apps is that when scripts have a main resource type of a given name, then it probably belongs to that app. And we should make an app for every resource types representing credentials.