
[Plan]Add command 'encrypt-file' and 'decrypt-file' for 'vault'

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[Plan]Add command 'encrypt-file' and 'decrypt-file' for 'vault'



$ gossh vault

Encrypt sensitive content such as passwords so you can protect it rather than
leaving it visible as plaintext in public place. To use vault you need another
password(vault-pass) to encrypt and decrypt the content.

  gossh vault [command]

Available Commands:
  encrypt      Encrypt sensitive content
  decrypt      Decrypt content encrypted by vault
  encrypt-file Encrypt a file
  decrypt-file Decrypt vault encrypted file
  view         View vault encrypted file

  -h, --help   help for vault

Global Flags:
  -V, --auth.vault-pass-file string   file that holds the vault password for encryption and decryption
  -v, --output.verbose                show debug messages

Use "gossh vault [command] --help" for more information about a command.

vault encrypt-file

$ gossh vault encrypt-file -h

Encrypt a file.

  gossh vault encrypt-file [flags]


    # Encrypt a file by asking for vault password.
    $ gossh vault encrypt-file /path/auth.txt

    # Encrypt a file by vault password file.
    $ gossh vault encrypt-file /path/auth.txt -V /path/vault-password-file

    # Output encrypted content to another file.
    $ gossh vault encrypt-file /path/auth.txt -O /path/encryption.txt

    # Output encrypted content to screen.
    $ gossh vault encrypt-file /path/auth.txt -O -

  -O, --output-file string   file that encrypted content is written to (use - for stdout)
  -h, --help                 help for encrypt-file

Global Flags:
  -V, --auth.vault-pass-file string   file that holds the vault password for encryption and decryption
  -v, --output.verbose                show debug messages

vault decrypt-file

$ gossh vault decrypt-file -h

Decrypt vault encrypted file.

  gossh vault decrypt-file [flags]


    # Decrypt a vault encrypted file by asking for vault password.
    $ gossh vault decrypt-file /path/auth.txt

    # Decrypt a vault encrypted file by vault password file.
    $ gossh vault decrypt-file /path/auth.txt -V /path/vault-password-file

    # Output decrypted content to another file.
    $ gossh vault decrypt-file /path/auth.txt -O /path/plaintxt.txt

    # Output decrypted content to screen.
    $ gossh vault decrypt-file /path/auth.txt -O -

  -O, --output-file string   file that decrypted content is written to (use - for stdout)
  -h, --help                 help for decrypt-file

Global Flags:
  -V, --auth.vault-pass-file string   file that holds the vault password for encryption and decryption
  -v, --output.verbose                show debug messages

vault view

$ gossh vault view -h

View vault encrypted file.

  gossh vault view [flags]


    # View a vault encrypted file by asking for vault password.
    $ gossh vault view /path/auth.txt

    # View a vault encrypted file by vault password file.
    $ gossh vault view /path/auth.txt -V /path/vault-password-file

  -h, --help   help for view

Global Flags:
  -V, --auth.vault-pass-file string   file that holds the vault password for encryption and decryption
  -v, --output.verbose                show debug messages