Toggle Floatwin conflict with CMD output
ray-x opened this issue · 2 comments
ray-x commented
with floatwin
I enable floatwin by default and I noticed above
I think it can be solved by hook a check in CmdwinEnter/Leave event. But I need some API to make it works. Something like this:
--- CmdWinEnter/CmdlineEnter:
if WinlineFloatwin.enabled then
--- CmdWinLeave/CmdlineEnter:
if WinlineFloatwin.enabled then
ray-x commented
Well, never mind. It fixed in the latest version. Thanks!
windwp commented
it work but it still happen when you print a lot of text from script so you need take a risk.
i can hide floatline totally on cmdline but it make a floatline flashing when you run a script with vim.cmd
and didn't print anything