Could you provide some default/preconfigured settings?
nyngwang opened this issue · 6 comments
I don't know how to setup :( I have tried this one but I didn't see the wind animation:
config = function ()
Could it be something like this?
config = function ()
require('windline').setup {
predefined: 'some_cool_default'
you can type in command :lua require('wlsample.airline_anim')
I don't know how to put the section you linked into the require('windline').setup { ... }
. And it seems that if I provide nothing to the ...
I will get error during plugin-installation of packer.nvim
you dont' need to use setup function just require a sample statusline.
if you want to modify it. You need copy sample config to your nvim config folder and modify it.
Please read REAME.
OK cool. Most of the plugins tolding me to call the setup { ... }
after installation. So I don't have to add the config = function() ... end
field in my packer.nvim settings?
it have a setup function but it has too many line so i create a new file.
This project is fukcing awesome WOOW! Let me give you a star :)