
Problem running getNearbyPlacesRankedByDistance multiple times

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to use your library in my project and encounters in following issue:
i can't run the function getNearbyPlacesRankedByDistance more then two times.
Here is my function:

public void SearchPlaces(Context ctx)
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            List<Place> places=null;
            try {
                Log.i("MyApp", "search started");
                places = client.getNearbyPlacesRankedByDistance(mCurrentLocation.getLatitude(), mCurrentLocation.getLongitude(), 20,"keyword").value(task_category.getSearchKey()));
                Log.i("MyApp", "places received");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.i("MyApp", "exception"); 
            Log.i("MyApp", "thread exit");

On the third run i'm running my function, the function getNearbyPlacesRankedByDistance does not returns and seems to be blocked.
After the function execution i don't get anything neither in the log, nor in debug.
What am i doing wrong ?


I also have this behaviour with getPlacesByQuery.

Funny is that just like you your code, I create a singleton instance of Google Places.

When I create a Google Places instance with each call, it works well even after three call. I guess something is not well closed (or closed somehow after the second call ?)

Found it !

In the file, the connection is not closed.

We could have used response.getEntity().getContent() which automatically closes the connection, but its deprecated, though we can use EntityUtils.consume(response.entity) after the line to close it.

I created my own version of RequestHandler with this line, gave it to new GooglePlaces(API_KEY, MyRequestHandler()) and everything works as expected.

Unfortunately, I don't have time to create a PR right now, but here's the solution !