
Implement Infinite Scroll

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Related Issues


  • Use Intersection Observer to trigger loading of a new batch of 20 profiles on the home page when the user scrolls down.
  • Ensure we don't load pages that don't exist (i.e., if the server tells us we have 5 total pages, we never request a 6th page.)
  • The user should see that the next batch of pages is loading (i.e., there is a loading state visualized).
  • A page is never loaded twice.
  • When loading the next page, we are not fetching an extra batch of pages (i.e., if the user triggers a new load, then scrolls up and back down before the loading completes, we do not trigger loading a new batch of pages).

Acceptance Criteria

  • A new batch of 20 profiles is displayed when the user scrolls down.
  • We don't load pages that don't exist.
  • The user sees a loading state when a new batch of pages is loading.
  • A page is never loaded twice.
  • One batch of pages is loaded at a time.
  • Acceptance tests exist for this issue.

Ill attempt this 👀