
[hadoop2.6.0-eclipse-plugin] Miss console output in eclipse

weyo opened this issue · 0 comments

weyo commented

I have configured everything well on my computer (eclipse Luna, hadoop 2.6.0 on Windows7 x64), and started a hadoop cluster with three datanodes. And then when I try to run word-count job in eclipse, the console shows some log4j information as follows:

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.deprecation).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for more info.

That's all, no more messages, and I couldnot find any information of such job from JobHistory (http://master:19888/jobhistory/app). However, when I check the output on hadoop cluster like this

hadoop dfs -cat /output/wordcount/part-r-00000 | head

I can get the right result, which means my hadoop cluster runs well.

"kerberos" 1
"simple" 1
(asf) 1
(default) 1
(kerberos) 1
(root 1
(specified 1
(the 9
--> 24
00 1

So, here is the question, is that a bug, or I did something wrong on my eclipse? Thanks.