
Modify the publication type

Opened this issue · 3 comments


Is it possible to change the way the plugin gets the document type from a bibtex entry? For example, some publications are being classified as journal articles instead of conference paper as shown in the image below (this happens in many other cases). I would like to get the type from the field "type"

Thank you


With Bibtex, the document type is dictated by the prefix at the very beginning of the entry, @ARTICLE in your case, which corresponds to "An article from a journal or magazine." (ref) The type field you highlight should be used to specify the type of a Technical report only. (ref) I suggest that you rectify the Bibtex entries in your file before you start importing.

This suggestion turns out to be not very practical because I have a lot of publications (+1000). So, is there a way to filter the publications and display the tags in the publication listing using the field type instead of using the original type in the BibTeX format?

So, is there a way to filter the publications and display the tags in the publication listing using the field type instead of using the original type in the BibTeX format?

Unfortunately, no.