
Generate documentation from Terraform modules in various output formats

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


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What is terraform-docs

A utility to generate documentation from Terraform modules in various output formats.

terraform-docs asciidoc ./my-terraform-module          # generate asciidoc table
terraform-docs asciidoc table ./my-terraform-module    # generate asciidoc table
terraform-docs asciidoc document ./my-terraform-module # generate asciidoc document
terraform-docs json ./my-terraform-module              # generate json
terraform-docs markdown ./my-terraform-module          # generate markdown table
terraform-docs markdown table ./my-terraform-module    # generate markdown table
terraform-docs markdown document ./my-terraform-module # generate markdown document
terraform-docs pretty ./my-terraform-module            # generate colorized pretty
terraform-docs tfvars hcl ./my-terraform-module        # generate hcl format of terraform.tfvars
terraform-docs tfvars json ./my-terraform-module       # generate json format of terraform.tfvars
terraform-docs toml ./my-terraform-module              # generate toml
terraform-docs xml ./my-terraform-module               # generate xml
terraform-docs yaml ./my-terraform-module              # generate yaml


Visit ./docs for all documentation.


The latest version can be installed using go get:

GO111MODULE="on" go get github.com/terraform-docs/terraform-docs@0.10.1

NOTE: to download any version before v0.9.1 (inclusive) you need to use to old module namespace (segmentio):

# only for v0.9.1 and before
GO111MODULE="on" go get github.com/segmentio/terraform-docs@v0.9.1

NOTE: please use the latest go to do this, we use 1.15.1 but ideally go 1.14 or greater.

This will put terraform-docs in $(go env GOPATH)/bin. If you encounter the error terraform-docs: command not found after installation then you may need to either add that directory to your $PATH as shown here or do a manual installation by cloning the repo and run make build from the repository which will put terraform-docs in:

$(go env GOPATH)/src/github.com/terraform-docs/terraform-docs/bin/$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')-amd64/terraform-docs

Stable binaries are also available on the releases page. To install, download the binary for your platform from "Assets" and place this into your $PATH:

curl -Lo ./terraform-docs https://github.com/terraform-docs/terraform-docs/releases/download/0.10.1/terraform-docs-0.10.1-$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')-amd64
chmod +x ./terraform-docs
mv ./terraform-docs /some-dir-in-your-PATH/terraform-docs

NOTE: Windows releases are in EXE format.

If you are a Mac OS X user, you can use Homebrew:

brew install terraform-docs

Windows users can install using Chocolatey:

choco install terraform-docs

Alternatively you also can run terraform-docs as a container:

docker run quay.io/terraform-docs/terraform-docs:0.10.0

NOTE: Docker tag latest refers to latest stable released version and edge refers to HEAD of master at any given point in time.


This project was originally developed by Segment but now is no longer maintained by them. Instead, Martin Etmajer from GetCloudnative and Khosrow Moossavi from CloudOps are maintaining the project with help from these awesome contributors. Note that maintainers are unaffiliated with Segment.


MIT License - Copyright (c) 2020 The terraform-docs Authors.