
Possible bug: Adjusting column width doesn't seem to work

Anony400 opened this issue · 6 comments

When attempting to adjust column width, System Informer only adjust column width for the column title, not for longest string in the column.

dmex commented

Are you able to upload a screenshot?

No, besides that wouldn't show what the bug is.

When I double click, like in any other program, to auto adjust column, it doesn't work on System Informer. It auto adjust to the column title, not anything else in the column. Is there anyone else here, to show it's reproducible and a bug?

dmex commented

When I double click, like in any other program, to auto adjust column, it doesn't work on System Informer. It auto adjust to the column title, not anything else in the column.

What happens when you resize the Description column on the processes list?

Is there anyone else here, to show it's reproducible and a bug?

There's 20-30 windows and 300-400 or more columns. I need to know the window and column you're trying to resize.

Every single column does this. In the Process, Services, Network, Disk, Firewall, Devices tabs...

When resizing any column, it doesn't go to the end of the longest thing.

One example, under the 'Description' column, if I try to resize the column, "Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control Service" is "Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control Servi..."

That's just one example I quickly found.

cannot reproduce it for any column except for "Name" in Processes tab, when using treeview mode for processes.

dmex commented

Do you have a custom windows theme or software modifying the shell or controls?