
Winston-syslog doesn't handle connection loss?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm currently using Winston-syslog to send to Papertrail, but they have a policy that during a certain inactivity period the connection is closed. It seems that winston-syslog doesn't notice a loss of connection and if my app doesn't send logs for an hour or so, it completely breaks because the TCP connection gets closed. Am I perhaps missing something?

Any idea on how to solve handle this?

Also having this issue

wbt commented

Just an idea, but maybe try/catch and reconnect at the place in the code that is sending it across the closed connection?

We have had success in staging with winston-papertrail-transport.

Which references your package / uses some of your code at a guess ?

We are not losing connection to logspout on dokku with this as the papertrail transport in the setup.

Happy to share the setup if it is of interest in closing this issue / not wanting to detract from your library in any way.

wbt commented

Don't worry about detracting - if someone else makes a more well-maintained library that meets folks' needs, please link away