
Always getting error "Cannot log unknown syslog level"

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi All,
I am always getting error "Cannot log unknown syslog level". When i look into the code, the following code snippet is reason for this error

if (!~levels.indexOf(info[LEVEL])) {
return callback(new Error('Cannot log unknown syslog level: ' + info[LEVEL]));

Can you please provide simple working sample?


The following sample code i tried

`var winston = require('winston')


var logger = new (winston.Logger)({
//levels: winston.config.syslog.levels,
transports: [
new (winston.transports.Syslog)({
port: 514,

logger.debug('Hello distributed log files!')`

I am getting the same error.

same error with key warn

I have winston 2 and it started to work when i downgraded winston-syslog to version 1.2.6

gigi commented

The same thing

Having the same issue

`'use strict';

const os = require('os');
const winston = require('winston');


  • Define error codes for easy use.
  • @type {{NOCONFIG: string}} - PAPERTRAIL_HOST or PAPERTRAIL_PORT not defined in env variables.
    const errorCodes = {
    NOCONFIG: 'PAPERTRAIL_HOST or PAPERTRAIL_PORT not defined in env variables.'


  • Validates the config for the syslog transport used to send logs to papertrail. Will either resolve if
  • required environment variables are set, or will reject with an error is the variables are missing.
  • Requires:
  • process.env.PAPERTRAIL_HOST - host of syslog server
  • process.env.PAPERTRAIL_PORT - port of syslog server
  • @returns {Promise}
    const validateConfigForPapertrail = () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    process.env.PAPERTRAIL_HOST && process.env.PAPERTRAIL_PORT ? resolve() : reject(errorCodes.NOCONFIG)


  • Adds the papertrail (syslog) transport to winston. Uses the host and port set in the envirnment variables. Can
  • also use a hostname, and program name. Uses udp4 to connect to the syslog server. Will either resolve, or
  • reject with an error of the transport fails to be created.
  • Requires:
  • process.env.PAPERTRAIL_HOST - host of syslog server
  • process.env.PAPERTRAIL_PORT - port of syslog server
  • Optional:
  • process.env.PAPERTRAIL_HOSTNAME - name of system/machine
  • process.env.PAPERTRAIL_PROGRAM - app name
  • @returns {Promise}
    const addPapertrailTransport = () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    try {
    winston.add(new winston.transports.Syslog({
    host: process.env.PAPERTRAIL_HOST,
    port: process.env.PAPERTRAIL_PORT,
    protocol: 'udp4',
    localhost: process.env.PAPERTRAIL_HOSTNAME || os.hostname(),
    app_name: process.env.PAPERTRAIL_PROGRAM || 'default'
    } catch (error) {
    reject(Error creating syslog transport for papertrail: ${error});


  • Adds a console transport to winston is process.env.NODE_ENV !== production. This allows you to
  • see console logs in a non-prod environment.
  • @returns {Promise}
    const addConsoleTransportIfDev = () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    try {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
    winston.add(new winston.transports.Console({
    level: 'debug',
    format: winston.format.combine(
    winston.format.errors({stack: true})
    } catch (error) {
    reject(Error creating console transport for logging: ${error})


  • Composes and runs the functions on startup. First it adds the console
  • transport if in a non prod environment. Then it validates the papertrail(syslog) config,
  • and adds the syslog transport.
  • @function init
    .catch(error => console.error(error));


  • Define the logger interface
  • @type {{warn: logger.warn, debug: logger.debug, log: logger.log, error: logger.error, info:}}
    const logger = {
    • Logs a message, taking in a level and the message.
    • @param level {string}
    • @param message {string}
      log: (level, message) => {winston.log(level, message)},
    • Logs a debug message
    • @param message {string}
      debug: (message) => {winston.debug(message)},
    • Logs an info message
    • @param message {string}
      info: (message) => {},
      warn: (message) => {winston.warn(message)},
    • Logs an error, taking in a message and an error
    • @param message {string}
    • @param error {Error}
      error: (message, error) => {winston.error(message, error)}


  • Export the instance of logger
  • @type {{}}
    module.exports = logger;