
Broadcom BCM94360cs - Bluetooth not working

kinggx9 opened this issue · 4 comments

I am using a Broadcom BCM94360cs card
The connection to the phone works well
Connecting to the wireless headset has an error
My English is not good

Can you please post info about your system:

uname -a
dmesg | grep -i Bluetooth
lspci -nnvv | grep -A12 Broadcom
hciconfig -a

Seems BCM94360cs is not related to firmware issues of BCM20702 etc, but still, let's find this out.

OK, seems this is our client. You have combined WiFi + Bluetooth device based on BCM 4360 chipset. Strange enough that no traces of Bluetooth stack at all.

Still, you need properly initialize WiFi device with own firmware NVRAM as described here and here. After that please reboot machine and re-post new output from my commands (especially dmesg one).

And additional info (mostly related to Ubuntu, but you can use it as base for your Manjaro/Arch distribution).

Thank you
I have an error on the headset
Reason for missing pulseaudio-bluetooth component