How can i subscribe to more than one contact's presence and get updates?
beratakuzum opened this issue · 3 comments
beratakuzum commented
I installed the repo and have run the successfully. I did manage to get presence updates (available, unavailable) from the contact. How can i get more than one contact's presence updates?
Can you help me ? @wiomoc
Thank you.
beratakuzum commented
Any suggestions how i can accomplish this ? @wiomoc
wiomoc commented
extern crate simple_logger;
extern crate log;
extern crate qrcode;
extern crate image;
extern crate bincode;
extern crate whatsappweb;
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate base64;
use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
use image::Luma;
use whatsappweb::connection;
use whatsappweb::connection::{DisconnectReason, PersistentSession, WhatsappWebHandler, WhatsappWebConnection, UserData, State};
use whatsappweb::message::ChatMessage;
use whatsappweb::Jid;
const SESSION_FILENAME: &str = "session.bin";
struct Handler {
impl WhatsappWebHandler for Handler {
fn on_state_changed(&self, connection: &WhatsappWebConnection<Handler>, state: State) {
info!("new state: {:?}", state);
if state == State::Connected {
fn on_persistent_session_data_changed(&self, persistent_session: PersistentSession) {
bincode::serialize_into(OpenOptions::new().create(true).write(true).open(SESSION_FILENAME).unwrap(), &persistent_session).unwrap();
fn on_user_data_changed(&self, _: &WhatsappWebConnection<Handler>, user_data: UserData) {
if let UserData::PresenceChange(jid, status, _) = user_data {
info!("{} is now {:?}", jid.phonenumber().unwrap(), status);
fn on_disconnect(&self, _: DisconnectReason) {
fn on_message(&self, _: &WhatsappWebConnection<Handler>, _: bool, _: Box<ChatMessage>) {}
fn main() {
let handler = Handler {};
if let Ok(file) = File::open(SESSION_FILENAME) {
let (_, join_handle) = connection::with_persistent_session(bincode::deserialize_from(file).unwrap(), handler);
} else {
let (_, join_handle) = connection::new(|qr| { qr.render::<Luma<u8>>().module_dimensions(10, 10).build().save("login_qr.png").unwrap(); }, handler);
beratakuzum commented
Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate this.Can you also give me a clue about how i can send a message to a number?
Thank you