
modal didnt open

Closed this issue · 1 comments

i try to use the pack with livewire 3 and laravel 10
and i put that:

<button onclick="Livewire.dispatch('openModal', { component: 'modal.otp-valid'})">Edit User</button>

in livewire dubug i see that update:
2 templates were rendered wire-elements-modal::modal (resources/views/vendor/wire-elements-modal/modal.blade.php) livewire.modal.otp-valid (resources/views/livewire/modal/otp-valid.blade.php)
in my layout i put that:



and i get this in the console sometimes:
checked runtime.lastError: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received

but the popup didnt showing in the page

what can i do?

Looks like a CORS failure.

Test with a browser without any plugins enabled, as they often cause that.