
Nested Modals and wire:navigate issue

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Opening a modal and a nested one and returning back to the first modal does work fine.
But if we navigate through the app (with wire:navigate on the links) and open a modal and a nested one and want to return back we get an empty modal instead. So just a blurred screen with no way out.
If we remove wire:navigate from the links everything works fine again.

Is there any way to use modals and other component with wire:navigate. We just bought it and it says it works with livewire v3 but in this case it does not work as intended

Hi @medanigmbh,
Thanks for reporting.
I'll look into this. Unfortunately wire:navigate can still cause some issues, issues are still being reported on the Livewire discussion board and improvements are made every release.

So to reproduce this issue, I understand the following causes the issue right?

  • Open a modal and nested modal.
  • Close both modals.
  • Navigate to a new page using wire:navigate
  • Open a new modal and a nested modal.

From this point on it breaks, correct?

Hello PhiloNL,
Thanks for answer.

To reproduce the error, you just need the following:

  • click a link with wire:navigate for the desired page
  • open a modal (which has a child modal)
  • open the child modal inside the modal
  • click close on the child modal

now you should be left with an empty modal and a blurred screen.

It does not matter if you open a modal before or not.

Hello @medanigmbh,
Thanks for your patience.
I've updated both this and the pro which should now play nice with wire:navigate.
Thanks for reporting the issue.