
make in build/alpine produces error 137

romanrev opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to build wire-server on my MBP (MacOS Mojave 10.14.2) with Docker version 18.09.0, build 4d60db4. After a while I the build ends with error 137, with no further log messages, as per below:

vector-algorithms- download
vector-algorithms- configure
vector-algorithms- build
The command '/bin/sh -c apk add --no-cache git ncurses &&     mkdir -p /src && cd /src &&     git clone -b develop https://github.com/wireapp/wire-server.git &&     cd wire-server &&     stack update &&     echo "allow-different-user: true"                                       >> /root/.stack/config.yaml &&     echo                                                                    >> /root/.stack/config.yaml &&     echo '# NB: do not touch following line!'                               >> /root/.stack/config.yaml &&     echo '# this image is used both for building docker images with the'    >> /root/.stack/config.yaml &&     echo '# integration tests (so they can be run on the ci) and for'       >> /root/.stack/config.yaml &&     echo '# interactive integration testing (with the working copy of the'  >> /root/.stack/config.yaml &&     echo '# host system mounted into the docker container).  in the latter' >> /root/.stack/config.yaml &&     echo '# use case, we want the docker container to write to its own'     >> /root/.stack/config.yaml &&     echo '# stack-work directory and not pollute the one on the host.'      >> /root/.stack/config.yaml &&     echo 'work-dir: .stack-docker'                                          >> /root/.stack/config.yaml &&     stack --work-dir .stack-docker-profile build --haddock --dependencies-only --profile haskell-src-exts &&     stack --work-dir .stack-docker         build --haddock --dependencies-only           haskell-src-exts &&     stack --work-dir .stack-docker-profile build --haddock --no-haddock-hyperlink-source --profile haskell-src-exts &&     stack --work-dir .stack-docker         build --haddock --no-haddock-hyperlink-source           haskell-src-exts &&     stack --work-dir .stack-docker-profile build --pedantic --haddock --test --no-run-tests --bench --no-run-benchmarks --dependencies-only --profile &&     stack --work-dir .stack-docker         build --pedantic --haddock --test --no-run-tests --bench --no-run-benchmarks --dependencies-only' returned a non-zero code: 137
make: *** [builder] Error 137

Try giving Docker more memory:

thanks! I thought that might be an issue, ended up pulling the alpine-builder image instead of pulling it