
IDN-encoded URLs typed in chat aren't displayed correctly

kerouanton opened this issue · 0 comments

Wire version: 3.25.4071
Wire for web version: 2021.
Operating system: Windows 10 Pro 20H2 x64
Which antivirus software do you have installed: Microsoft

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. type a IDN-encoded URL in the chat field (example: éé.net).
  2. the displayed link (in this example) is rendered as %C3%A9%C3%A9.net instead of éé.net, however clicking on the link works properly.
  3. on a mobile device (tested on iPhone and Android), the link displays correctly as éé.net and clicking on it opens the correct page)

What is the expected result?

typing an IDN URL such as éé.net should display "éé.net",or at least the punycode-encoded version (xn--9caa.net in this case).

What is the actual result?

typing éé.net renders as" %C3%A9%C3%A9.net"

Please provide any additional information below.

Issue doesn't occur on mobile devices (tested on iPhone and Android).
