
shuts down after i try to open gui? SOLVED / WORKAROUND

Opened this issue · 5 comments

It shuts down after i try to open it. yesterday it worked fine tho? what to do?

WORKAROUND: It does not work with latest chrome browser. U need to uninstall and install older version. I think it works on 111.0.5481.177 chrome if not try earlier versions.

Ya I have the same problem today after windows update ... :(

Ya I have the same problem today after windows update ... :(

Hey i found a workaround, it does not work with latest chrome browser. U need to uninstall and install older version. I think it works on 111.0.5481.177 chrome if not try earlier versions.

jradam commented

Can also edit the JSON files directly in 'C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\mouseable' without needing the GUI.

In the 'configs' folder, edit one of the existing files or create a new one with whatever settings you want.

Then in 'meta.json' change AppliedConfigName to your preferred JSON file from the configs folder, and then restart Mouseable to apply the changes.

Can also edit the JSON files directly in 'C:\Users{username}\AppData\Roaming\mouseable' without needing the GUI.

In the 'configs' folder, edit one of the existing files or create a new one with whatever settings you want.

Then in 'meta.json' change AppliedConfigName to your preferred JSON file from the configs folder, and then restart Mouseable to apply the changes.

Use it without gui? If u edit json file? Do i need some editing software? Sry for being a noob

jradam commented

So the Mouseable GUI is just a simple interface that allows you to edit the program's configuration files indirectly, but you can use the program fully without the GUI if you know where to look!

As mentioned, you should be able to find these configuration files on your computer under: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\mouseable. It will of course be your username where I wrote {username} though.

The program's configuration files use a format called 'JSON'. These are just text files in a specific format, so to edit them you can use any text editor. If you're on Windows, you have Notepad already installed, which would work fine. Just right-click on a JSON file and select "Open with" then choose Notepad.

To get started, open the 'configs' folder in the directory I shared above, and open one of the existing files with Notepad. You can change the values in here to whatever you like, and then save the file. After you've made these changes, go back and open the meta.json file. Make sure the name of the file you just edited is written in there - like this: {"AppliedConfigName":"filename-goes-here.json"}

After you've made your changes and saved all the files, restart Mouseable, and your new settings should take effect. If it hasn't worked, you can always copy your JSON into a site like https://jsonlint.com/ and hit "Validate" to check that you haven't made any mistakes.

For reference, here is what my configuration looks like:

In the file /configs/myconfig.json:

  "command": {
      "activate-temp": "capslock",
      "move-left": "H",
      "move-down": "J",
      "move-up": "K",
      "move-right": "L",
      "teleport-forward": "V",
      "sniper-mode": "D",
      "wheel-up": "S",
      "wheel-down": "F",
      "click-left": "space",
      "click-right": ";"
  "data": {
      "cursor-sniper-speed": 8,
      "cursor-acceleration": 10000,
      "wheel-acceleration": 10000,
      "cursor-max-speed": 32,
      "show-overlay": true,
      "teleport-distance": 2000

In the file /meta.json:


Hope that helps!