
Content corrupted errors are suddenly happening when searching.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Upon investigation, Google has apparently just enabled a service worker for Chrome for Android 62 and up, and that service worker is not standards-compliant. It triggers the following error, which causes the searches to end up "corrupted":

Failed to load ‘https://www.google.ca/search?[snip].
A ServiceWorker passed a promise to FetchEvent.respondWith() that
rejected with ‘TypeError: HEAD or GET Request cannot have a body.’

Since my addon spoofs Firefox to act like the most recent Chrome version, the bug affects it. For the time-being, I will have to have the addon block the service worker.

Unfortunately, already-affected users will have to visit the URL about:serviceworkers and remove it manually from there (after upgrading, so it gets blocked instead of just reinstalling itself the next time a search is made).

Fixed in commit 87cd99c.

This was happening again today, as well as other issues with hanging searches, so I'm going to block the serviceworker again until I have some time to investigate what the deal is this time.