Spell book Slot from Spell Engine Missing and causing crash
Closed this issue · 5 comments
JediGeneralPikachu commented
there is no slot to equip a spellbook and it causes a crash when joing some worlds
Dragon-Seeker commented
Ah, recent API changes to allow for some slot redirection was missing something with EntityBinding loader leading to the slot not appearing, will get a update out to fix such issue.
samuel-odinware commented
I was just about to post this same issue. Here is my crash report for additional context.
Dragon-Seeker commented
Pushed an update for the tclayer that should fix this issue
samuel-odinware commented
That fixed the issue for me. Thank you @Dragon-Seeker !
MININT2 commented
sorry to bug you, but i have this same issue but for 1.20.1 which doesn't seem to have gotten this update, although unsure if it's this exactly but here is my log anyways