
WitRecordingSession.h missing

Closed this issue · 7 comments

The 4.1.0 release of the SDK tries to import WITRecordingSession.h which doesn't exist in the zip file.

Just ran into this along with a member of my team.

same problem here. If anyone has a clue how to solve this i'll apretiate it.

I can't build my project either with the released SDK. I guess something needs to be fixed.

When cloning the project and building it it works just fine. But I don't know how to build the project to the distributable package. Can anyone elaborate on that?

So is this not being addressed?

I found a fix. Just remove '#import "WitRecordingSession.h"' from the Wit.h file in the Headers folder. It seems they forgot to remove this in the newest release.

smbae commented

just move .h files from 'wit-ios-sdk-4.1.0' --> 'Wit' folder

This is fixed in the current version.