Unable to overwrite constructor on defdata inside defsum
OvermindDL1 opened this issue · 1 comments
OvermindDL1 commented
Unable to overwrite constructor on defdata inside defsum.
Precisely that, as from the examples with an overwrite added as per the defdata
defmodule Pet do
defsum do
defdata Cat do
name :: String.t()
claw_sharpness :: String.t()
def new(name, clawness) when byte_size(name)>=3, do: %Cat{name: value, claw_sharpness: clawness}
defdata Dog do
name :: String.t()
bark_loudness :: non_neg_integer()
def new(name, barkness) when byte_size(name)>=3, do: %Dog{name: value, bark_loudness: barkness}
Fails to compile with a message of like: (though from my code):
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Algae.Internal.normalize_elements/1
lib/algae/internal.ex:149: Algae.Internal.normalize_elements({:def, [line: 28], [{:when, [line: 28], [{:new, [line: 28], [{:type, [line: 28], nil}, {:\\, [line: 28], [{:meta, [line: 28], nil}, {:%{}, [line: 28], []}]}]}, {:and, [line: 28], [{:is_map, [line: 28], [{:meta, [line: 28], nil}]}, {:in, [line: 28], [{:type, [line: 28], nil}, {:@, [line: 28], [{:const_types, [line: 28], nil}]}]}]}]}, [do: {:%, [line: 28], [{:__aliases__, [counter: 0, line: 28], [:TConst]}, {:%{}, [line: 28], [type: {:type, [line: 28], nil}, meta: {:meta, [line: 28], nil}]}]}]]})
lib/algae/internal.ex:135: anonymous fn/2 in Algae.Internal.module_elements/1
(elixir) lib/list.ex:200: List."-foldr/3-lists^foldr/2-0-"/3
lib/algae/internal.ex:11: Algae.Internal.data_ast/1
expanding macro: Algae.defdata/2
lib/ml_elixir/types.ex:25: MlElixir.Types (module)
expanding macro: Algae.defsum/1
lib/ml_elixir/types.ex:19: MlElixir.Types (module)
We can define it outside but then that just puts a struct in a struct, which is noisy indirection.
hauleth commented
It would be also handy to support module attributes to support @moduledoc
and @derive
at least.