
[Visual bug] "Integrations" link text in header under "Resources" submenu breaks on new line

Opened this issue · 2 comments


  1. Visit https://astro.build on screens >= 1024px
  2. Open "Resources" submenu

Repeatability: 100%
Operating systems and browsers:

  • Reproducible on Linux - Chrome 123, Firefox 124
  • Not reproducible on Windows - Chrome 123, Firefox 124

Expected result

"Integrations" link text in header under "Resources" submenu is in one line


Actual result

"Integrations" link text in header under "Resources" submenu breaks on new line


Potential solution

Adding whitespace-nowrap tailwind class to links inside the "Resources" submenu


class="flex items-center gap-2 rounded p-3 leading-none transition hover:bg-black/10"

Weird, this doesn't seem to happen on any of my machines. The viewport changes to the mobile layout before the line starts to break.

Yeah, it only happens on my Linux machine