
`glob()` doesn't seem to reload changed files in Linux system

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Astro Info

$ astro info
Astro                    v5.0.9
Node                     v20.12.2
System                   Linux (x64)
Package Manager          bun
Output                   static
Adapter                  none
Integrations             none

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Describe the Bug

The story is I try to write a loader base on the latest version Astro 5. I use glob() loader as a model to study. During the work, I found out that the watcher will always ignore the change for my loader. After a while, I found out that the micromatch.isMatch in glob.js seems to always return false even the path supposes to be matched the pattern. (and my code copy the same so it got ignore)

From console.log(process.versions):

  node: '20.12.2',
  acorn: '8.11.3',
  ada: '2.7.6',
  ares: '1.27.0',
  base64: '0.5.2',
  brotli: '1.1.0',
  cjs_module_lexer: '1.2.2',
  cldr: '44.1',
  icu: '74.2',
  llhttp: '8.1.2',
  modules: '115',
  napi: '9',
  nghttp2: '1.60.0',
  nghttp3: '0.7.0',
  ngtcp2: '0.8.1',
  openssl: '3.0.13+quic',
  simdutf: '4.0.8',
  tz: '2024a',
  undici: '5.28.4',
  unicode: '15.1',
  uv: '1.46.0',
  uvwasi: '0.0.20',
  v8: '',
  zlib: ''

What's the expected result?

If I have a pattern recipes/*.toml and an incoming path recipes/001.toml, the incoming path should be accepted not ignored.

I have a fix for my loader and I think it can be applied for the glob() as well. So can you guy confirm if this is not your intention and need a fix, I can help with that.

Link to Minimal Reproducible Example



  • I am willing to submit a pull request for this issue.

Hi. Could you provide a reproduction that shows the problem: the one you've linked is using your loader rather than the glob one. Ideally one in Stackblitz, but a repo is fine too. If you have a fix for your loader it would be helpful to know what you needed to change.

Hello @ngdangtu-vn. Please provide a minimal reproduction using a GitHub repository or StackBlitz. Issues marked with needs repro will be closed if they have no activity within 3 days.