๐ BUG:not have auto completion for tag
BingCoke opened this issue ยท 1 comments
BingCoke commented
Describe the Bug
as you can see,i try to autocompetion for Card tag,but get noting
but if i have a complete tag, we will get a aucocompeltion for Card
btw,I use neovim to coding astro, config is
local astrocap = require("cmp_nvim_lsp").default_capabilities()
capabilities = astrocap,
on_attach = on_attach,
Steps to Reproduce
npm init astro
using template- use a tag for auto completion
Princesseuh commented
At the moment, this is an intentional choice because HTML (the tags completions) and TypeScript (the Component completions) completions otherwise enter in conflict when they both run at the same time, it's a bit annoying.
Moving this to discussion since it's more of a feature request.