
Daemon: Daemon is not running

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Let's check if you're logged in...
✔ Logged into Fig

Let's check your dotfiles...
✔ bash ~/.bashrc integration check
✔ bash ~/.profile integration check
✔ zsh ~/.zshrc integration check
✔ zsh ~/.zprofile integration check

Let's make sure Fig is setup correctly...
✔ Fig bin exists
✔ PATH contains ~/.local/bin
✔ PATH contains ~/.fig/bin
✔ Settings Corruption
✔ State Corruption
✔ Fig Integration
✔ SSH integration

Let's make sure Fig is running...
✔ Fig is running
✔ Fig socket exists
✘ Daemon: Daemon is not running
✘ Daemon diagnostics: Daemon socket exists but could not connect

Socket path: /var/tmp/fig/andresantos/daemon.socket
Io(Os { code: 61, kind: ConnectionRefused, message: "Connection refused" })

Let's see if Fig is in a working state...
✔ Figterm
✔ Insertion lock does not exist
✔ Autocomplete dev mode
✔ Plugin dev mode
✔ Dashboard is loading from the correct URL
✔ Autocomplete is loading from the correct URL

Let's check if your system is compatible...
✔ OS is supported
✔ Fish is up to date
✔ Jetbrains Toolbox Check

Let's check fig diagnostic...
✔ Compatible shell
✔ Fig app installed in the right place
✔ Autocomplete is enabled
✔ Fig CLI path
✔ Accessibility enabled

Let's check your terminal integrations...
✔ Terminal support