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I am sad to hear that fig is sunsetting. However I am wondering, since this is supposed to be an open source project and is under the MIT license, why it does not just continue as a community project? Is nobody willing to take over as a maintainer? Is the provisioning of expensive server resources necessary to enable fig?

By removing the Plugin, Dotfiles, and Server features, I see this as a step backwards. Users are only being offered AI, which doesn't benefit those who heavily rely on dotfiles, servers, and plugins.

I also really do not like the idea of all my prompts being sent to amazon. But that is another story. I do not want to criticise the new product. I hope that I can use fig also in the future. What kind of server infrastructure is needed? Can this requirement be removed without breaking fig?

That's such a shame to shutdown a project like this. CodeWhisperer has nothing similar to Fig. Fuck.

I have no problem with my prompt being sent to Amazon, but my biggest question is, Why doesn't Amazon continue Fig instead of creating a new product and just taking autocomplete from Fig and leaving everything else. Even though in Fig previously it was planned that there would be AI.

Even though I understand a certain degree of frustration, I think it is not worth while challenging the decision of the fig team.

Lets focus on the future of fig. It is under MIT license (at least as far as I know, is this true for all the code base?) and as such can never really be shut down. One just needs to find people who continue the maintenance and potentially the hosting for the back end (is there any which is really necessary for the CLI to work?).

Is anyone interested in forking this product and keeping it alive by other means? I have been boycotting Amazon and Amazon Web Services for their working and employment practises across other divisions, and total disregard of unionised workforces.

I love the servers feature of Fig. Anyone aware of alternatives?

Sad this is stopping, I don't feel like sending my data to amazon.

I use the customize terminal feature a lot. Before 2021 I had a lot of trouble configuring the terminal "by hand", and with fig it was all like magic. I faithfully hope that someone manages to keep Fig online, perhaps by creating an OpenFig. I would certainly be one of the testers.

Unfortunately I don't think all the fig codebase is under MIT license. I can only find the autocomplete repo, that incidentally is the only feature being supported by Amazon.
Everything else I think it's closed source, and it will remain so unless the creators decide to release the entire codebase under an OSS license.

CodeWhisperer for command line has the same core features as Fig

It depends on who you ask. The core features for me are scripts and dotfiles. Looks like I have until September to find an alternative. Sad news.

It's a real bummer for those of us working in environments where GenAI tools are not allowed on developer machines given the issues with licensing of output.

Installed Codewhisperer to try it out and it's not as responsive and not what i want. Such a disappointment. This is not the tool i wanted. What a waste :(. Glad the creators were able to get the bag tho, i guess

How can we use Plugins in Code Whisper? My Fig setup is full of plugins and I don't believe that they will just drop support. This is so disrespectful with the community.

Same core features? That statement is actually outlandish. Lol

Hi everyone. Just addressing the comments about Fig scripts/dotfiles/plugins/servers

Unfortunately this year's CodeWhisperer for command line roadmap doesn't have plans to support equivalents for Fig scripts, dotfiles, plugins, or servers. We're hoping to revisit them at some point, but for now, we decided to prioritize new features like support for Linux, AI chat, and inline AI suggestions. Amazon's bar for security, support, and operational readiness is incredibly high. Given our small team size, it was hard for us to support these features. Autocomplete and AI were by far our most popular features and so we have decided to prioritize these + integrations.

Some basic recommendations for tools you can switch to

@brendanfalk Disappointed, but glad you made $$$. You could literally make a similar tool, right?

@brendanfalk Disappointed, but glad you made $$$. You could literally make a similar tool, right?

Yes, I think we (the community) should. You could use GitOps as a backing store vs parsing data through a remote server, and features and solutions that we want and not the MegaCorp.

EloB commented

It's insane what money can do. Did AWS bought the product just to put it down? I don't want anything todo with AWS. They are terrible at software and then we should not talk about their docs.

Erf... we can't have nice things anymore, who asked for AI in a prompt... just installed CodeWhisperer without knowing that it won't support scripts (and likely never will), so gone are my scripts. Will the program simply stop working and become unusable after september 1?

In any case Amazon can keep himself his CodeWhisperer.

As someone who contributed to Fig, parts of Fig are open source (https://github.com/withfig/plugins, https://github.com/withfig/autocomplete) but the backend servers (used for auth and storing other fig related user data) and desktop application/apis itself were closed source. Fig chose not to sell user data or charge out of the gate, and thus took the funding path to pay the developers/backend costs. Naturally when a company takes funding (Y Combinator’s S20 class) that path then is naturally being acquired or adding a paid tier (such as teams/enterprise features) as its exit.

Source to original Hacker News Announcement.

Adios Fig, it was a good run, F Amazon.