
Fig Scripts Replacement

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Hello there!

I am an avid user of the Fig Scripts feature, and I am worried about losing all of these tools once the sunset happens. Does anyone have any advice as to how I can go about transitioning those scripts to my local dev environment? My experience in creating CLI tools is veritably zero (which is what made this Fig tool so great for me).

I'm sure it can be done, but have no idea where to start or how.

Specifically, I love the fact that you can have inputs that read off of generators!!

Hi @CoreyGaunt, when you run fig export you'll get all of your Fig Scripts in a JSON format.

You (or the broader open source community) might be able to reimplement the client-side CLI for interpreting the JSON files and executing them.

Some prior art here that might be helpful:

My other personal recommendations that are sort of close but by no means perfect:

Unfortunately, I don't believe any of these have the ability to easily offer inline suggestions like we were doing with Fig


Unfortunately, I don't believe any of these have the ability to easily offer inline suggestions like we were doing with Fig

Are there plans to release this feature under Amazon Q or any other Amazon product? It was a major selling point when advocating Fig to my team