
Fix broken e2e tests

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Fix broken e2e tests and make them work in CI

I've been able to make screenshots for debugging in GitHub Actions using the code found in this gist and uploading the artifacts

extension TestScreenshotUtil on WidgetTester {
  Future<void> takeScreenshot({required String name}) async {
    final liveElement = binding.renderViewElement!;

    late final Uint8List bytes;
    await binding.runAsync(() async {
      final image = await _captureImage(liveElement);
      final byteData = await image.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png);
      if (byteData == null) {
        return 'Could not take screenshot';
      bytes = byteData.buffer.asUint8List();

    final directory = Directory('./screenshots');
    if (!directory.existsSync()) {
    final file = File('./screenshots/$name.png');

  Future<ui.Image> _captureImage(Element element) async {
    assert(element.renderObject != null);
    RenderObject renderObject = element.renderObject!;
    while (!renderObject.isRepaintBoundary) {
      // ignore: unnecessary_cast
      renderObject = renderObject.parent! as RenderObject;

    final OffsetLayer layer = renderObject.debugLayer! as OffsetLayer;
    final ui.Image image = await layer.toImage(renderObject.paintBounds);

    if (element.renderObject is RenderBox) {
      final expectedSize = (element.renderObject as RenderBox?)!.size;
      if (expectedSize.width != image.width ||
          expectedSize.height != image.height) {
        // ignore: avoid_print
          'Warning: The screenshot captured of ${element.toStringShort()} is '
          'larger (${image.width}, ${image.height}) than '
          '${element.toStringShort()} (${expectedSize.width}, ${expectedSize.height}) itself.\n'
          'Wrap the ${element.toStringShort()} in a RepaintBoundary to be able to capture only that layer. ',

    return image;

closed by #561