
DTXProfiler.framework damaged on MacOS

sytolk opened this issue · 8 comments

I have run with Detox
"test:ios-debug": "detox test --configuration ios.sim.debug -l verbose --take-screenshots all --record-videos failing --record-logs failing --record-performance all --cleanup",


  • Model: MacMini
  • OS: MacOS Catalina 10.15.3
  • Xcode: 11.3.1

Additional Context
When I run Detox tests with --record-performance all

I have try brew cask reinstall detox-instruments but the same results..

What version do you have installed?

I have follow the Installation https://github.com/wix/DetoxInstruments#installation and install the last version from github master branch

==> Downloading https://github.com/wix/DetoxInstruments/releases/download/1.13.1
Already downloaded: /Users/sytolk/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/69d7845478ad9ec8f87481d1dbc94ea6dd632acbc07f3ee2dd5dae5e26304500--DetoxInstruments-v1.13.b11970.zip
==> No SHA-256 checksum defined for Cask 'detox-instruments', skipping verificat
==> Installing Cask detox-instruments
==> Moving App 'Detox Instruments.app' to '/Applications/Detox Instruments.app'.
🍺  detox-instruments was successfully installed!

And what causes this alert to show up? I've never seen it.

What exactly are you doing?

Is this on Catalina?

Try perhaps running Detox Instruments once, then trying to run the test.

Yes this is Catalina alert. It appears when I run detox test. Testing complete successful when I press on move to bin button. But next time this alert appears again no matter that I have remove record-performance from detox command

Try opening Detox Instruments once. I don't know how this can possibly be triggered by Detox.

This appers to be some security alert from catalina.. After open Detox Instrument from App launcher its have different alert with "Open it" button. Next I can running detox tests without "DTXProfiler is Damaged" and "Move to Bin" message. Thanks!

How odd.