
Use VSCode FileSystem Provider

Opened this issue · 4 comments

What is Codio currently using instead of this?

The very ugly FSManager class: https://github.com/wix-incubator/codio/blob/master/vscode/src/filesystem/FSManager.ts
I am basically using the fs, path and os libraries directly from node to modify the filesystem. FileSystemProvider was added after my initial POC and it provides a lot of the same functionality.

Awesome, thanks. Is there a level of permission you could give me to the repo just so I can push branches to make PRs directly on it? I don't want to over assert myself, just don't like to maintain a forked repo very much :) But I can definitely continue to do that if that's too much to ask.

Edit: Ok if not, no worries, just followed this guide for syncing a fork and it seems like it'll not require much effort from here.

I will check in with the team and get back to you on this