
[Question] Blocking retry dashboard

Satya758 opened this issue · 2 comments


In video sessions of Greyhound, there is an information about a dashboard to skip the blocked message or identify the block in consumption.


Is this part of an open source project? If not, is there a way to extract this information from Greyhound?


Hi @Satya758 ,

The dashboard about blocked messages is an internal wix backoffice app (which is quite tricky to open-source) that makes it easier for Wix developers to monitor and debug production. there is a standard grpc endpoint that all services expose and that in turn call Greyhound api to get the relevant information. e.g. blocked messages.

The Greyhound RecordConsumer api for production debugging is called state and it looks like this. (Unfortunately it is currently only available in the Scala-ZIO API I linked.)

Which API are you using? It can actually be quite easy to add this capability to java API here in GreyhoundConsumers interface.

I will add this task (expose state in java api GreyhoundConsumers) to our backlog. If you want to speed things up and contribute, I will gladly assist in guiding you on how to do this.

Hi @natansil

Thanks for the tip, We are using Scala ZIO API, I will have a look into it.
