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What is this module

This module contains all you need to have the ci build an npm package in the CI servers.

This module exports a bin (wnpm-release) that knows how to build and release a module the wix standard way. It also exports functions that can help write an alternative release logic if somebody wants to.

How to create an NPM module that works in CI

  • Create a package with the following mandatory things in the package.json
    • name
    • version
    • One of two:
      • publishConfig.registry pointing to http://npm.dev.wixpress.com/ or...
      • publishConfig.registry pointing to https://registry.npmjs.org/ if you want to publish it to the public repository (for an open source npm module), or...
      • private: true if you don't want to publish the module
  • Run npm install --save-dev wnpm-ci to install this package
  • Ensure that you have a "build" script in your package.json. If you have nothing to do in this step, make it ":"
  • Ensure that you have a "test" script in your package.json. If you have nothing to do in this step, make it ":"
  • Ensure that you have a "release" script in your package.json, and make this "wnpm-release" (the wnpm-release will be coming from this package, which you installed earlier)
  • For non protobuf modules: Add a pom.xml, because currently CI does not work without a pom.xml. (For protobuf modules, it's enough to only have package.json. Having both package.json and pom.xml will break!)
    This requirement will be removed in the near future. See below for a minimal pom.xml
  • If your package is using dependencies from the Wix NPM repo, it should contain an .npmrc file at its root directory with the line registry=http://npm.dev.wixpress.com/.

A minimal package.json with all the above

  "name": "my-package",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "publishConfig": {
    "registry": "http://npm.dev.wixpress.com/"
  "scripts": {
    "build": ":",
    "test": ":",
    "release": "wnpm-release # This will ensure that ci publishes the module"
  "devDependencies": {
    "wnpm-ci": "*"

A more typical package.json with all the above

  "name": "my-package",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "publishConfig": {
    "registry": "http://npm.dev.wixpress.com/"
  "scripts": {
    "build": "babel src --out-dir lib",
    "test": "mocha",
    "release": "wnpm-release # This will ensure that ci publishes the module"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@wix/wnpm-ci": "*"

A minimal pom.xml for an npm module

Replace the text between the *****

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">

    <artifactId>****ARTIFACT ID****</artifactId>
    <name>***NAME OF MODULE***</name>
    <description> </description>

        <relativePath />


How does CI build and release an NPM module?

  • CI will look for a file named build.js in the root of the module. If it exists, it will node build.js-it.
  • If not, it will use its own build.js which does the following:
  • Once done, it will publish the package, assuming it is not private

What does wnpm-release do?

  • Nothing if the package is private. Leave it there still for future use.
  • Increments the version in package.json so that publishing will succeed (see below to understand the algorithm of version incrementing)
    • Note that since CI is running wnpm-release during the build, the version change in package.json will not be committed to git
  • If you prefer to bump the minor version instead of patch, you can also do wnpm-release --bump-minor
  • Note that wnpm-release no longer creates a shrinkwrap. If you want a shrinkwrap simply use wnpm-release && npm shrinkwrap in your release script

How wnpm-release increments the version

  • TL;DR - it increments by one the patch version of the latest patch version in the npm registry
  • It increments only the patch version (i.e. the '5' in 3.4.5)
  • It reads the registry to retrieve the published versions of this package.
  • It ignores all versions who's major.minor versions are not the same as the major.minor version in the package.
  • It takes the latest patch number of the biggest versions in the list of unignored version from previous bullet
  • If the version found in the previous bullet is bigger than the version in the package.json, it uses it (and increments it by one) otherwise it uses the version in the package.json

What it means: Think of each list of 'major.minor' versions as a branch. The algorithm finds the branch of the version in the package json, and ignores all other branches. If the branch is empty, it will just use the version in package.json, otherwise it will use the Max of (the latest version in the branch, the package.json version) + 1.