
support deep group of compound selectors

Closed this issue · 3 comments

currently we have only shallow support we want to have deep compound selectors for nested cases

This selector is weird div.foo::before.bar::after {} and also not working

I can't see the simple solution as it is in a private repo, but I would like to add a deep option with default false to the groupCompoundSelectors util, and maybe even a compound option to the parser itself.

Regarding pseudo-elements, the default behavior is to split them into their own compound selectors as they usually refer to a seperate part of the dom. Is there an issue with that?

CSS validator for version 3 accepts multiple pseudo-elements

Do you mean this?: https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator - it does return a valid result for multiple pseudo-elements, not sure why.

ido commented

Cool project, wrong Ido. 😄