
Gulp plugin that creates PNG icons for iOS and Android based on a SVG image

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

gulp-mobile-icons Build Status Greenkeeper badge

Gulp plugin that creates PNG icons for iOS and Android based on a SVG image.

Please read this blog post for a detailed explanation of the problem that the plugin solves.


To use the the plugin in your gulp process:

const gulp = require('gulp');
const mobileIcons = require('gulp-mobile-icons');

gulp.task('default', [], function() {

This will create all icons in the folder images/.

Cordova / PhoneGap

Add the following to your config.xml to use the icons in a Cordova/PhoneGap application:

<platform name="ios">
    <!-- App icon -->
    <icon src="images/ios-57.png"      width="57"  height="57"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-57@2x.png"   width="114" height="114"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-72.png"      width="72"  height="72"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-72@2x.png"   width="144" height="144"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-60.png"      width="60"  height="60"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-60@2x.png"   width="120" height="120"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-60@3x.png"   width="180" height="180"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-76.png"      width="76"  height="76"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-76@2x.png"   width="152" height="152"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-76@3x.png"   width="228" height="228"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-83.5@2x.png" width="167" height="167"/>

    <!-- Spotlight -->
    <icon src="images/ios-50@2x.png"   width="100" height="100"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-40.png"      width="40"  height="40"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-40@2x.png"   width="80"  height="80"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-40@3x.png"   width="120" height="120"/>

    <!-- Settings -->
    <icon src="images/ios-29.png"      width="29"  height="29"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-29@2x.png"   width="58"  height="58"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-29@3x.png"   width="87"  height="87"/>

    <!-- Navigation bar and toolbar -->
    <icon src="images/ios-22.png"      width="22"  height="22"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-22@2x.png"   width="44"  height="44"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-22@3x.png"   width="66"  height="66"/>

    <!-- Tab bar -->
    <icon src="images/ios-25.png"      width="25"  height="25"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-25@2x.png"   width="50"  height="50"/>
    <icon src="images/ios-25@3x.png"   width="75"  height="75"/>

<platform name="android">
    <icon src="images/android-ldpi.png"    density="ldpi"/>
    <icon src="images/android-mdpi.png"    density="mdpi"/>
    <icon src="images/android-hdpi.png"    density="hdpi"/>
    <icon src="images/android-xhdpi.png"   density="xhdpi"/>
    <icon src="images/android-xxhdpi.png"  density="xxhdpi"/>
    <icon src="images/android-xxxhdpi.png" density="xxxhdpi"/>

Web application

When using the app as a web application, you need to add to your index.html (see also Apple documentation):

<!-- iPhone -->
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="images/ios-60@2x.png">
<!-- iPhone retina -->
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="images/ios-60@3x.png">
<!-- iPad -->
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="152x152" href="images/images/ios-76@2x.png">
<!-- iPad retina -->
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="167x167" href="images/ios-83.5@2x">
<!-- Chrome -->
<link rel="icon" sizes="192x192" href="images/chrome-192.png">
<link rel="icon" sizes="128x128" href="images/chrome-128.png">


This blog post explain the implementation details of this plugin.

Sample icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0