
The "commons" library for Vaadin developers

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Maddon - The "commons" library for Vaadin

This add-on tries to fix a number of small inconveniences that Vaadin users (read: web app developers) face daily. Vaadin is a old and big UI library, so it is no secret there are "some". And even though we can identify these pain points, fixing them isn't straightforward to keep reasonable backwards compatibility.

Luckily one can overcome large amount of them with some simple helper classes. Like what various Apache "commons" libraries do to Java, this library tries to do to Vaadin. You should try adding this add-on to your project when the Vaadin API is about to make you mad.

The idea is to concentrate on server side Java to improvements to existing APIs, so that throwing this in to an applications or to another add-ons should be as easy as possible. Hopefully one can avoid some of stupid boilerplate code by using this library.

E.g. this very common Vaadin code...

// Bind fields to entity properties by naming convention
BeanFieldGroup<Contact> binder = new BeanFieldGroup<Contact>(Contact.class);

...becomes like this:

BeanBinder.bind(contact, view)

And using basic layouts without this add-on...

VerticalLayout verticalLayout = new VerticalLayout();
HorizontalLayout horizontalLayout = new HorizontalLayout(c, d);
verticalLayout.addComponents(a, b, horizontalLayout);

... may start to feel rather mad, after using them with sane defaults and "fluent api":

setContent(new MVerticalLayout().withFullHeight().with(a, b,
        new MHorizontalLayout(c, d).withFullWidth().withMargin(false)));

Using Table to select a row for editor may simplify from ...

Table table = new Table();
BeanItemContainer<Entity> beanItemContainer = new BeanItemContainer<Entity>(Entity.class);
table.setVisibleColumns("property", "another");
table.setColumnHeaders("Property 1", "Second");
table.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() {
    public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) {
        Entity entity = (Entity) event.getProperty().getValue();


MTable<Entity> t = new MTable(findBeans())
        .withProperties("property", "another")
        .withColumnHeaders("Property 1", "Second");
t.addMValueChangeListener(new MValueChangeListener<Entity>() {
    public void valueChange(MValueChangeEvent<Entity> event) {

Using Label extensions can make your life both simpler and safer:

layout.addComponent(new Header("Tempertures during past week:"));
layout.addComponent(new RichText().withMarkDown("#How di hou [We have a link](https://vaadin.com/)!"));
layout.addComponent(new RichText().withMarkDown(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/readme.md")));
layout.addComponent(new RichText().withSafeHtml(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/readme.html")));

Hopefully all of these enhancements will end up in the core Vaadin library, in a one form or another.

If you have a re-usable server side Vaadin "api-hack" that you continuosly use in you project to reduce your madness, please contribute it. I promise to accept pull requests sooner and with lighter process than to the core Vaadin.

Also feel free to suggest depenencies to new or possibly already existing add-ons that are similar in nature (pure server side, simple and smallish). This way you'll only need to add one helper depenency to get what you most often want to. If your dependency or addition is not small or simple, we can still consider if it is otherwise high quality (well tested, industry proven). Current dependencies:

  • ConfirmDialog

If a helper extends core Vaadin class, the convention is to simply prefix it with "M" letter. Otherwise, lets just use good naming conventions and reasonable sub packages.


Currently project contains following helpers:

  • BeanBinder, Vaadin Ticket
    • Reduces the most common usage of BeanFieldGroup into oneliner
  • layouts
    • Basic layouts have bad defaults (margin,spacing), corrected in these Vaadin Ticket
    • "fluent api" for selected methods like, margin and spacing (withMargin(false))
    • current implementations
      • MVerticalLayout
      • MHorizontalLayout
      • MGridLayout
  • MTextField
    • smart immediate handling (like what is coming in 7.2)
    • empty sting as null representation (Vaadin Ticket)
  • Typed selects
    • Most developers use basic pojos as options and as field value. The cores Container-Item-Property with some legacy makes code look horrible in some cases. Thus these selects have
      • Generics for value/options
      • Has API for fluent usages with java.util.Collections
      • on TODO separate multi select implementations
    • Current implementations (TODO lots of essential stuff needed here!!)
      • TypedSelect
        • A single select to another entity type
        • By default NativeSelect, but implementation is configurable
      • MBeanTable extends Table (note that Table is often also the best real life listselect)
        • single select only but better typed for generic bean usage
        • in addition to typing and related methods
          • smart selection mode and immediate (based on value change listener, Vaadin Ticket )
          • withProperties(String...), withColumnHeaders
  • Label extensions
  • Header to make headers without html hacking
  • RichText component for XSS safe html inclusion. Also supports Markdown syntax.
  • Button extension
  • PrimaryButton (stylename + enter shortcut)
  • ConfirmButton (Customizeble confirm dialog before the actual listener is called)
  • ListContainer (used by MTable)
  • A lightweight replacement for BeanItemContainer that uses apache commons-beanutils for introspection
  • Note, that beans are kept in orinal list that developer used to pass beans. Wrap in e.g. ArrayList if you wish to keep original List unmodified.
  • AbstractForm
  • An abstract super class for simple entity editor. Provides save/cancel buttons and interfaces for hooking into them. Does binding with naming convention using BeanBinder when setEntity(T) is called.

Online demo

Online demo for this add-on hopefully makes no sense. Otherwise this add-on has lost its focus.

Download release

Official releases of this add-on are available at Vaadin Directory. For Maven instructions, download and reviews, go to http://vaadin.com/addon/maddon

Release notes

Version 1.3

  • Added TypedSelect
  • Added AbstractForm
  • Lots of smaller enhancements

Version 1.2

  • ListContainer (used by MTable) to replace BeanItemContainer, almost tenfold memory saving with small beans, huge performance enhancement when populating large abounts of data.
  • MTable without data now displays explicitly set columnnames
  • Lots of other small enhancements and bugfixes (see changelist)

Version 1.1

  • MValueChangeListeners now added with addMValueChangeListener (previously addValueChangeListener)
  • Added PrimaryButton and ConfirmButton
  • MTable now has withFullWidth()