Stereo Event-based Visual-Inertial Odometry

Primary LanguageC++


SEVIO is a novel visual-inertial odemetry for a stereo event-based camera. Our visual module follow the work ESVO, and fusion module based on ESKF.

1. Installation

We have tested SEVIO on machines with the following configuration

  • Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS + ROS melodic + OpenCV 3.2

1.1 Driver Installation

To work with event cameras, especially for the Dynamic Vision Sensors (DVS/DAVIS), you need to install some drivers. Please follow the instructions (steps 1-9) at rpg_dvs_ros before moving on to the next step. Note that you need to replace the name of the ROS distribution with the one installed on your computer.

1.2 Dependencies Installation

You should have created a catkin workspace in Section 1.1. If not, please go back and create one.

Clone this repository into the src folder of your catkin workspace.

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src 
$ git clone https://github.com/WKunFeng/SEVIO.git

Dependencies are specified in the file dependencies.yaml. They can be installed with the following commands from the src folder of your catkin workspace:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ sudo apt-get install python3-vcstool
$ vcs-import < ESVO/dependencies.yaml

The previous command should clone the the repositories into folders called catkin_simple, glog_catkin, gflags_catkin, minkindr, etc. inside the src folder of your catking workspace, at the same level as this repository (SEVIO).

You may need autoreconf to compile glog_catkin. To install autoreconf, run

$ sudo apt-get install autoconf

yaml-cpp is only used for loading calibration parameters from yaml files:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src 
$ git clone https://github.com/jbeder/yaml-cpp.git
$ cd yaml-cpp
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DYAML_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON ..
$ make -j

Other ROS dependencies should have been installed in Section 1.1. If not by accident, install the missing ones accordingly. Besides, you also need to have OpenCV (3.2 or later) and Eigen 3 installed.

1.3 SEVIO Installation

After cloning this repository, as stated above (reminder)

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src 
$ git clone https://github.com/WKunFeng/SEVIO.git


$ catkin build sevio_time_surface sevio_core
$ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

2. Usage

2.1 time_surface

This package implements a node that constantly updates the stereo time maps (i.e., time surfaces). To launch it independently, open a terminal and run the command:

$ roslaunch sevio_time_surface stereo_time_surface.launch

To play a bag file, go to sevio_time_surface/launch/rosbag_launcher and modify the path in [bag_name].launch according to where your rosbag file is downloaded. Then execute

$ roslaunch sevio_time_surface [bag_name].launch

2.2 full system

To launch the system, run

$ roslaunch sevio_core system_xxx.launch

This will launch two esvo_time_surface nodes (for left and right event cameras, respectively). Then play the input bag file by running

$ roslaunch sevio_time_surface [bag_name].launch

3. Notes

4. Datasets

The datasets we tesed can be downloaded from sequences.