Struggling to setup VPD
Sivloc opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi, I'm having trouble to run - I want to run it without the file - , i have the following error :
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'vpd.models'
Do you have any idea of what could be vausing this error ?
Also, just to be sure sure, is this supposed to be the correct structure ?
In, we have already set the PYTHONPATH such that vpd.models
can be found. We highly recommend using this script instead of directly running
Okay, thanks, and keep up the great work !
Before i close the issue, did you try to train the model with a limited number of GPUs ?
We did not try to train VPD with limited resources since our main contribution is to reveal the power of generative pre-trained diffusion models. However, it would be an interesting future direction to investigate how to train a VPD more efficiently.