
cannot open with open(VMW_PRICE_FILE) as csvfile

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I am trying to run the script against my data and I am getting below error

rkalakota@rkalakotaGMD6R forPythonScript % python3 tax.py GainsAndLossesExpandedFromEtrade.csv output -c 78 -s 21 -f
Output files: output.txt, output.csv
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tax.py", line 215, in
File "tax.py", line 35, in main
File "/Users/rkalakota/Downloads/2024taxes/newConsolidatedDocs/forPythonScript/tax_lot.py", line 67, in load_historical_price
with open(VMW_PRICE_FILE) as csvfile:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/vmw-historical-price.csv'
rkalakota@rkalakotaGMD6R forPythonScript

Had to download the entire folder.

Facing the same problem, but the file and its directory most definitely exist. Running Ubuntu within Windows 11.

Need to cd into that dir to run.

Thank you, I was working from my tax document dir. Shows how often I use Python. :)