
Source IP - Connection timed out

diegoarndt opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello there,

I just created the action on my project and configured everything over there, but unfortunately I'm getting a message like this into the 'deploy file' section> ssh: connect to host ec2-MYIP.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com port 22: Operation timed out


Good thing is that I know what's happening. I have to allow as an Inbound Rule the following:

Type: SSH / Protocol: TCP / Post range: 22 / Source: ::/0;


As you can see below, it works fine when not specifying the source...

But obviously I don't want to do that for security reasons, so I need to find out the source I need to put there.
I've tried a lot of Github IP addresses already, but all of them were unsuccessful.

Does anyone here know what's the right source for it to work in a protected way?

Thanks in advance.

sftp -b $TEMP_SFTP_FILE -P $3 $7 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $TEMP_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE $1@$2

When using sftp to connect to your server from the github server, for verification convenience, use StrictHostKeyChecking=no caused this problem