
User Deletion and Creation

Closed this issue · 9 comments

  • Deletion button in profile
  • Don't allow users to create username starting with deleted
  • big header for when a user is being deleted at every page
  • "recover" button for users marked as wanting to be deleted
  • Deletion button in profile
  • Don't allow users to create username starting with deleted

Specifically "deleted" it can be with capital d. That doesn't matter.

I haven't pushed these to prod yet so you won't see the docs on them but just ping me on discord and I'll send the endpoints

One last thing, API3 single user will now also return two Fields: deleted_at which is a timestamp of when the user marked themselves deleted. And is_deleted which is showing if they mark themselves leave it or not (though, theoretically before I push this I could just merge them into one though that is less verbose)

User Deletion: e6e71b0
for not allowing people to start usernames with deleted, wouldn't it be better to have backend send a "not allowed" to the client? We already have something handling that here

User Deletion: e6e71b0 for not allowing people to start usernames with deleted, wouldn't it be better to have backend send a "not allowed" to the client? We already have something handling that here

Sure yeah I could do that. But I just figured it would be more descriptive if front and handled it unless you want me to include a raw message?

E.g. HTTP 400 {message: ", your username cannot start with " deleted"}

E.g. HTTP 400 {message: ", your username cannot start with " deleted"}

ohh that would be really nice - if it doesn't already exist I can make a frontend that gives a notif in that case

For deploying, I think it should be mostly handled tho ?