
How to?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi! I really would like to replicate this and create my own theme (or use yours!) but I'm failing to understand where in my sphinx project I need to place these files. No matter where I put them, after running make html I get:

no theme named 'murray' found (missing theme.conf?)

Could you please let me know what I'm doing wrong?

I just would love to know how to produce an extremely simplistic theme without the search and all the JS so my build files are minimal and easy to share with colleagues and students in my class.

I also pip installed it and set murray as the theme in my conf.py, but running make html throws:

WARNING: while setting up extension murray: extension 'murray' has no setup() function; is it really a Sphinx extension module?

Theme error:
no theme named 'murray' found (missing theme.conf?)
make: *** [html] Error 2

What am I missing or doing wrong?

Thanks so much!

Add the following in conf.py

import murray
html_theme = 'murray'
html_theme_path = [murray.get_html_theme_path()]