
Profile card rendering looks surprising in Safari

Closed this issue · 6 comments

In the attached image, the card has a white stripe at the bottom and right-hand edges, overlapping the signal strength indicator and causing the label and icon to be positioned off of the vertical center of the card. (Safari: Version 12.0.2 (13606.

screen shot 2019-02-12 at 10 58 03 pm

Possible see also: #101

This anomaly is also present on the edit page:

screen shot 2019-02-12 at 11 00 25 pm

wlonk commented

Can't reproduce with Safari 12.0.3. Is it possible it's something cached or a plugin?

Doesn't appear so. The only extensions I have enabled are uBlock Origin and 1Password. For a lark, I disabled both and reloaded the page; I got the same anomalous rendering. I also tried an incognito tab to avoid cache or cookie issues (same result).

I dug into the DOM a bit, and the inner grey area is .card-body, while the outer light area is .card. The DOM inspector shows a 40 pixel-ish difference in their sizes, in both dimensions.

wlonk commented

Without the ability to reproduce it on my end, I'd rely on a PR from you to fix it.

wlonk commented

I think I figured out what's happening: overflow: scroll is showing scroll bars all the time, when it should be overflow: auto. Any chance you can test this and PR it, @ojacobson?

Yep, that's definitely what did it.