
Integrate with Keybase

Closed this issue · 5 comments

wlonk commented

Since Keybase is now owned by Zoom, I'm much less enthusiastic about this, but Nelson suggested https://keys.pub/ instead. Maybe?

Help me out here: Why does the Zoom acquisition reduce your interest in Keybase?

https://keys.pub appears to be a few orders of magnitude less-used.

ETA: that /docs/ link is broken

wlonk commented

Zoom has a track record of what amount to MitM attacks on their users; there's a chance of them supply-chain attacking Keybase and undermining the whole idea.

I agree; keys.pub doesn't do the same thing and doesn't have much uptake, I just wanted to write down the suggestion here where I'd find it whenever I get a chance to work on this ticket.

To do so would undermine the whole value of their investment unless they could keep it completely secret. And I think they know that will not work.

wlonk commented

I certainly wouldn't reject out of hand a patch to add this feature! I'm just not going to prioritize this effort myself.