
Fetch repositories incrementally

wmalik opened this issue · 1 comments

Fetch the list from upstream at startup one page at a time but update the UI incrementally as pages are being downloaded)

Alternatively, or additionally, we could:

  • load the first page,
  • display it
  • load the rest in the background,

So that we get the content for searching, but the UI gets populated faster.

Originally posted by @padawin in #6 (comment)

I gave this one a bit more thought, and I believe that the responsiveness of the
tool on startup (and some other issues) can be solved if the tool supports
offline usage. Details below.

Beware, wall of text :)

Problem 1

The tool is not usable without internet access.

  • I would find it useful to browse at lest my cloned repositories, and cd
    into a project even when I don't have internet access. Additionally, I would
    find it useful to browse repositories (name, description, and README)
    without internet access. The repositories of the organization are not
    frequently changing, especially the names, descriptions, README. The code
    changes quite often, but I believe that it is worthwhile to have access to
    stale code (as compared to no code). Repository metadata and code is highly
    cache-able because it doesn't change often.

Problem 2

A high number of repositories slows down the user on each invocation of the

  • Currently, the tool fetches the entire list of repositories on startup.
    This can a delay of a few seconds for a high number of configured repos (we
    should allow users to add as many organizations as possible according to
    the API rate limits). Since the repository metadata seldomly changes, it is
    inefficient to fetch this whole list every time and make the user wait for
    it. I see myself using this tool multiple times a day, and would find this
    behavior a bit inconvenient. This issue is due to the fact that the entire
    state of the application is kept in memory and needs to be rebuilt on each


I have the following proposal to address the above problems (and the parent issue):

  • Store the application state (i.e. the metadata of the organizations/repos) on
  • disk using SQLite (or similar)
  • Decouple the UI from over-the-network API calls, and render the UI using the
  • SQLite DB state only. The DB state consists of only the metadata (not the
  • repository contents)
  • Rebuild the DB state in the following scenarios:
    • user presses 'r'
    • when the configured organization list is different than the list stored in
    • when the DB state is empty
    • when the DB state is N minutes old

The above proposal addresses the responsiveness of the tool at startup, enables
offline usage, and opens possibilities for more features in the future:

  • sorting, filtering, grouping of the dataset is simpler to implement using SQL
  • a web based interface for the tool consuming the same state as the TUI
  • CLI tools that interact with all repos the DB state in a non TUI context e.g.:
    • clone all
    • code analysis, contributor analysis, LICENSE analysis
    • arbitrary script execution on all cloned repos e.g.:
      • git fetch
      • git fetch && git log -5
      • git shortlog -sne
      • [ -f Makefile ] || echo "Missing Makefile"