
uncompress command not passed uncompress directory

Closed this issue · 3 comments

MM v0.49
Windows 10
Running MM from the command prompt, not powershell.

When opening a QWK file, the files are not expanded in workNNNN.
They are expanded in the default working directory which may not be multimail's directory.
Would be nice if %2 was the expansion directory [YOUR_PATH]\multimail\workNNN\work

To work around this, I created a mm_unzip.cmd batch file:

cd [YOUR_PATH]\multimail\work*
..\unzip -joLq %1 -d .\work

And set the uncompress command:

zipUncompressCommand: [YOUR_PATH]\multimail\mm_unzip.cmd

Not sure if there will ever be >1 workNNNN directory but if not, this works.

Sorry, I can't reproduce the problem you describe.

Is anyone else seeing this? Any ideas how W7PEA's system (where this happens) might differ from my reference Win 10 system (where it doesn't) that we might be overlooking?

No followup, can't reproduce, closing.