
Ability to call a specific <li> -- Question / Feature Request

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Is there any ways to target a specific < li > in the order that is showing?

For example:

  • Selection 1
  • Selection 2
  • Selection 3
  • Selection 4
  • Selection 5
  • Selection 6
  • Selection 7
  • Selection 8
  • Selection 9
  1. Say selection 5 to selection 9 are showing from the above list. Is there any way to get the value returned of a specific position so that when the scroll stops, it says the third visible value is selection 7 (and continue to change value with the rotating depending on whatever is in the third place).

  2. Is there a way to style just the first visible option. So if it was showing selection 5 to selection 9 a custom class would be applied to selection 5 (and continue to move with the rotating).