
Include Time Zone information in Schedule elements wmdr:hour, wmdr:minute

Opened this issue · 2 comments

(moved from wmo-cop/wmo-oscar#39)

As of release 1.0RC9 schedule elements wmdr:hour and wmdr:minute are defined as numbers. Users cannot indicate if the provided time refers to local time or UTC nor it is documented what it should be used. This information is also relevant to count the number of expected observations for the WDQMS interface.

An optional attribute timeZone has been added to the DataType "Schedule" with the following note: timeZone is relevant for the specification of startHour, endHour if coverages should be described that do not cover 24 hours of the day. It is also relevant for the specification of the diurnalBaseTime. Values are taken from the timeZoneTypeType codelist. If not specified, UTC is assumed as a default.
@tomkralidis Please comment.

@joergklausen can you point to the timezone codelists?