
Change duplicate notations in tables 1-01-* and 5-02-*

Closed this issue · 16 comments

Initial request

OSCAR/Surface parser currently only looks at the last element of a URL and expects a notation that is unique across the entire “namespace” of the element. Thus, the artificial separation of ObservedVariable* and ObservingMethod* into several code tables is essentially ignored by OSCAR/surface.

Amendment details

updated 15 Aug 2023

supersede with new notations to avoid duplicates across similar tables

table notation name
5-02-01 344 417 GC-CVAFS
5-02-01 345 418 GC-TCD
5-02-05 346 419 Frequency domain reflectometry
5-02-05 347 420 Gamma-ray attenuation
5-02-05 348 421 Non-recording gauge
5-02-05 349 422 Staff gauge
table notation name
1-01-01 12245 12320 C3H2F6 (1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane, HFC-236fa)
1-01-01 12246 12321 Tellurium [Te-131]
1-01-03 12244 12319 N2, Ar
1-01-05 12247 12322 Stream velocity
1-01-05 12248 12323 Stream mean velocity
1-01-05 12249 12324 Stream surface velocity
1-01-05 12251 12325 Water surface slope


It might be useful to develop some best practices on how to assign numerical notations in such a way that will ensure no duplication, rather than querying all tables to find out what number is the highest.


@amilan17 @fstuerzl @luciacap


  • OSCAR/Surface
  • WIGOS metadata providers and users


Example: Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306), Volume I.3, WMO Codes Registry, Code tables 1-01-01, 1-01-03, 1-01-05, 5-02-01 and 5-02-05

Expected impact of change



No response


No response


No response

I accept some of the (shared) responsibility for not having scrutinized these tables sufficiently before the previous amendments went to FT. These duplicate notations - even though in different name spaces - create difficulties for OSCAR/Surface, but they may also lead to risk of confusion and errors of the users. We should keep the notations unique acroos these sub-tables. The odds are that the effect will be minimal if quickly reacted to, which means I would favor a correction of the codes registry using the 'experimental' flag, in combination with an announcement in the operational WMO letter, and followed of course with a regular CR as part of FT-2023-2.

https://github.com/wmo-im/tt-wigosmd/wiki/2023.04.06-TT-WIGOSMD notes:

  • (Joerg) would like to make these changes NOW in the codes registry with 'experimental' status and then introduce it to FT for formal approval;
  • Team approves of this approach.


rowID proposal notes table notation in OSCAR (count)? name
1   FT2022-1 1-01-01 12016 yes (0) Cl3CCF3 (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane, CFC-113a)
2 change notation FT2022-1 1-01-05 12016 no Rock glacier velocity
4   FT2021-2 1-01-01 12244 yes (0) C2H2ClF3 (2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane, HCFC-133a)
5 change notation FT2021-2 1-01-03 12244 yes (0) N2, Ar
7 change notation FT2022-1 1-01-01 12245 yes (0) C3H2F6 (1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane, HFC-236fa)
8   FT2021-2 1-01-03 12245 yes (0) Zooplankton biomass and diversity
10 change notation FT2022-1 1-01-01 12246 yes (0) Tellurium [Te-131]
11   FT2021-2 1-01-03 12246 yes (0) Ocean subsurface tracers
13   FT2022-1 1-01-01 12247 yes (0) Neodymium [Nd-137]
14 change notation FT2022-2 1-01-05 12247 no Stream velocity
16   FT2022-1 1-01-01 12248 yes (84) Attenuated backscatter
17 change notation FT2022-2 1-01-05 12248 no Stream mean velocity
19   FT2022-2 1-01-01 12249 no Relative humidity (with respect to water)
20 change notation FT2022-2 1-01-05 12249 no Stream surface velocity
22   FT2022-2 1-01-01 12251 no Relative attenuated backscatter
23 change notation FT2022-2 1-01-05 12251 no Water surface slope


rowID proposal notes table notation in OSCAR (count)? name
25   FT2022-1 5-02-01 343 no Polarized lidar
26 change notation FT2022-2 5-02-01 343 414 no Fog collection
28 change notation FT2022-2 5-02-01 344 415 no GC-CVAFS
29   FT2020-2 5-02-05 344 yes (73) Laser ranging
31  change notation FT2022-2 5-02-01 345 416 no GC-TCD
32 FT2022-2 5-02-05 345 no Echo sounding
34   FT2022-2 5-02-01 346 no Electrostatic collection + alpha counting
35 change notation FT2022-2 5-02-05 346 no Frequency domain reflectometry
37   FT2022-2 5-02-01 347 no Tunable Infrared Laser Differential Absorption Spectroscopy (TILDAS)
38 change notation FT2022-2 5-02-05 347 no Gamma-ray attenuation
40   FT2022-2 5-02-01 348 no Radionuclide decay counting [general]
41 change notation FT2022-2 5-02-05 348 no Non-recording gauge
43   FT2022-2 5-02-01 349 no IR-GFC
44 change notation FT2022-2 5-02-05 349 no Staff gauge

Branch is updated but I think this needs to go through the official fast-track procedure because the codes with the old notations will be superseded by the codes with the new notations. I can't simply change the notation in the registry and change the status to 'experimental'. I can only add new notations with the status of 'experimental' and change the status of the superseded codes to 'superseded'.

The only value that I think I can fix now, is fog collection, because it used to be polarized lidar (same notation, same table).

Branch is updated but I think this needs to go through the official fast-track procedure because the codes with the old notations will be superseded by the codes with the new notations. I can't simply change the notation in the registry and change the status to 'experimental'. I can only add new notations with the status of 'experimental' and change the status of the superseded codes to 'superseded'.

+1 on going through the FT ... but, technically, you can make the changes already know, and tag them with experimental. Am I missing something?

https://github.com/wmo-im/tt-wigosmd/wiki/2023.04.21-TT-WIGOSMD notes:
Anna talk with Mark to see if we can have a new status code called 'experimentally-deprecated' or something like that.

@amilan17 to update branch

@jbianchi81 -- I need to change the notations for some of the hydro methods that were recently added. They are not implemented in OSCAR/Surface yet and I'm hoping that the hydro community is not using them yet either. Can you confirm?

@jbianchi81 -- I need to change the notations for some of the hydro methods that were recently added. They are not implemented in OSCAR/Surface yet and I'm hoping that the hydro community is not using them yet either. Can you confirm?

Yes, you may proceed

@jbianchi81 Thank you for your quick response. I have the same question for observed variables...

@jbianchi81 Thank you for your quick response. I have the same question for observed variables...

@amilan17 same answer...

Discovered more dupe notations in 1-01-01 and 1-01-05 (introduced in FT2023-1). I will update the FT2023-1 release BEFORE I update the codes registry!

rowID amendment FT approval table notation   IN OSCAR? (count) name
25 change FT2023-1 01.01.01 12252 atmosphere, remote sensing, level 1, optical properties   Radiance
26   FT2022-2 01.01.05 12252 hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water   Water level
27 change FT2023-1 01.01.01 12253 atmosphere, remote sensing, level 1, optical properties   Spectral radiance
28   FT2022-2 01.01.05 12253 hydrological, Groundwater, Groundwater   Percolation rate
29 change FT2023-1 01.01.01 12254 atmosphere, remote sensing, level 1, optical properties   Brightness temperature
30   FT2022-2 01.01.05 12254 hydrological, Groundwater   Recharge rate
31 change FT2023-1 01.01.01 12255 atmosphere, remote sensing, level 1, optical properties   Spectral bidirectional reflectance
32   FT2022-2 01.01.05 12255 hydrological, aquifer, groundwater   Aquifer volume
33 change FT2023-1 01.01.01 12256 atmosphere, remote sensing, level 1, optical properties, radar   Radar backscatter coefficient
34   FT2022-2 01.01.05 12256 hydrological, aquifer, groundwater   Hydraulic conductivity
35 change FT2023-1 01.01.01 12257 atmosphere, remote sensing, level 1, optical properties, radio occultation   Bending angle
36   FT2022-2 01.01.05 12257 hydrological, aquifer, groundwater   Hydraulic transmissivity
37 change FT2023-1 01.01.01 12258 atmosphere, remote sensing, level 1, optical properties   Refractivity
38   FT2022-2 01.01.05 12258 hydrological, aquifer, groundwater   Porosity
39 change FT2023-1 01.01.01 12259 atmosphere, remote sensing, level 1   Slant total delay (STD)
40   FT2022-2 01.01.05 12259 hydrological, aquifer, groundwater   Effective porosity
41 change FT2023-1 01.01.01 12260 atmosphere, remote sensing, level 1   Zenith total delay (ZTD)
42   FT2022-2 01.01.05 12260 hydrological, aquifer, groundwater   Specific retention
43 change FT2023-1 01.01.01 12261 atmosphere, remote sensing, level 1   Delay Doppler map
44   FT2022-2 01.01.05 12261 hydrological, groundWater, groundwater, soil   Infiltration rate
45 change FT2023-1 01.01.01 12262 Radio occultation   Impact parameter
46   FT2022-2 01.01.05 12262 hydrological, aquifer, groundwater   Infiltration capacity

@amilan17 Please update initial request to suggest what the request is. As it stands, it's just a problem statement.